Martini Lutheran Church
Martini Lutheran Church is a congregation with a long history of 160 years. However, we are also a family based congregation with a ministry of raising up children and families in the faith. Above all, we cherish the Bible's teachings of forgiveness, life, and salvation for everyone. When attending Martini, expect to see the Means of Grace: Baptism- a reminder for all and those new to the faith that were are all blessed with water and the Word of God. Holy Communion- the flesh and blood of Christ is present in the bread and wine to bring forgiveness of sins. Confession and Absolution-Our Pastor proclaims Christ's forgiveness to all who seek it. If you have any questions, please call the church office before attending. We'd be happy to explain more in detail.
Martini also provides two different service styles. The Heritage service is a more structured service with the use of traditional hymns played on a pipe organ. The second, contemporary service is a more informal service that uses more modern songs played on a keyboard. Both make use of adult and children's choir, as well as a praise team. Because of its growth, Martini welcomes families of all sizes to join us for worship. Children are certainly welcome and encouraged to come!
Worship 9:00am
Adult Bible Class 10:30am
Sunday School 10:30am
6:30pm Adult Bible Study
Installation of Pastor Brown
June 23rd, 2024

Martini Kids Club Ministry
Summer Camp
Martini Kids club is currently enrolling for this school years Summer Camp program 2025. We do have a waiting list, if you have any questions or would like your child(ren) to be added to the list, please call Jennifer at 749-0014.
For all other info
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